
Grand Master Dominick A Giacobbe
Grand Master Dominick A. Giacobbe the holder of a 9 th Dan Black belt in the 2,000 year old art of Tang Soo Do, Korean Karate, began his studies of Tang Soo Do in 1968 under Grand Master J C Shin, who is well known for teaching Karate movie star Chuck Norris. Master Shin personally trained Mr. Giacobbe. Grand Master Giacobbe was awarded his 9 th Dan directly from Korea where he tested in November 2012.
In the late 60’s and early 70’s, Master Giacobbe gained a reputation as a top tournament competitor on the East Coast. Grand Master Giacobbe also received special Tang Soo Do training for several years with Grand Master H C Hwang, son of the founder of Tang Soo Do and with Grand Master C S Kim, world famous Tang Soo Do champion. In 1974, Master Giacobbe opened the Tang Soo Karate Academy in Blackwood, New Jersey. His Academy now in Blackwood, New Jersey is one of the largest Karate schools in the USA. 1n 1977 he traveled to Korea to fine tune his Art and learn the ancient techniques of Mind Power, derived from the internal Chi energy.
His skills in developing mind power through meditation and special breathing exercises has set him apart from all other Martial Artist. Master Giacobbe has appeared numerous times on TV demonstrating his unbelievable demonstrations of Tang Soo Do Mind Power, in which he pierces his arms with sharpened motorcycle spokes, hangs buckets of water and demonstrates this with no blood and no pain. He amazed audiences on Guinness World Records, Incredible Sunday, That’s Incredible, Evening Magazine, Good Morning America, Sally Jessie Raphael, CNN, After Hours, Entertainment Tonight, and several other National TV Shows.
At a young age, Master Giacobbe always had a great desire in playing Sports and exercising. At age 12 he began intense training in running and track. In high school he began weight training and played football, baseball and ran track. Master Giacobbe is nationally recognized as an expert in physical fitness, weight training, exercise program development and flexibility enhancement.
His expertise has been used for the training of many professional athletes. In 1980, members of the Philadelphia Eagle Football team began training with Master Giacobbe to enhance their skills in Football. In 1987, Coach Buddy Ryan assigned the entire Philadelphia Eagle defense to train off-season with Master Giacobbe.
For five years the Eagle defense was the best in the league. Mr. Giacobbe personally trained NFL stars Reggie White and Mike Quick. He was also the special physical trainer for many World Champion Boxers, working on 15 orld Championship Bouts. Master Giacobbe personally trained Evander Holyfield, Pernell Whitaker and Sugar Ray Leonard for several of their Championship fights. Master Giacobbe has also appeared on the covers of 6 Martial Arts Magazines including Black Belt Magazine and Karate Kung Fu Illustrated. His expertise in Karate has been the subject of many international magazine stories. In 1985, he won a Gold Medal in Japan at the World Super People festival. Master Giacobbe amazed the Japanese judges standing atop authentic razor sharp Japanese Samurai swords without getting cut.
The Governor of New Jersey has also awarded Master Giacobbe for his Juvenile Offender Program. The program took troubled juveniles and put them in Karate training all of the kids had positive results. In 1983, Master Giacobbe was presented the Excalibur Award from the American Cancer Society for his donation of over $500,000.00 from the Fight for Cancer National Karate Championships, which he sponsors in Atlantic City annually.
In 2000, Master Giacobbe was inducted into Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame. This is the highest honor a Martial Artist can achieve. He shares this honor with Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Chuck Norris. Master Dominick A. Giacobbe was inducted in as Man of the Year, 2000.
Master Giacobbe has also written four books which are available on the internet. “Secrets For a Powerful Life”, is a great book of philosophy of how to obtain a Powerful life. “Tang Soo Do The Way of The Warrior”, is a technical book on the Art of Tang Soo Do Korean Karate. “Master Your Mind”, is a book on developing mind power and teaches meditation and ancient breathing exercises. “Conquer Your Body”, and amazing book on weight loss and nutrition.
Grand Master Giacobbe the president of the Intercontinental Tang Soo Do Organization teaches seminars around the world. His se
minars include the traditional teachings of Tang Soo Do Karate, philosophy, power meditation, Chi Breathing exercises, Ti Ji Nae Bu military Yoga and the Taoist meditation for healing.
Grand Master Giacobbe personally teaches all students at the Ironhand CrossFit Karate and Boxing Academy, New Jersey.